Thursday, 22 October 2009

Is spaghetti sexy?!

If you were choosing a romantic menu would you really choose spaghetti? In the Times today Alex Renton chose two dishes as classic seduction cuisine. No oysters, chocolate, strawberries or champagne for his lucky date…but instead spicy, garlic spaghetti or devilled kidneys.

The dangers of trying to wind yards of spaghetti round a fork and magically get said fork into your mouth without dropping most of it back on the plate or in your lap are surely too perilous to risk on a date?

Unless of course we’re talking of the famous cartoon scene in Lady in the Tramp when two floppy eared mutts fall for each other over their shared strands of pasta.

It gets worse though – he suggests flavouring it with chilli and garlic - even the Italians know this flavour combo isn’t going to do your sex appeal much good.

And if you were lucky enough to find yourself back at Lord Lucan’s bachelor pad you would have been in for a real treat…kidneys. Just the aphrodisiac every girl has always dreamt of.

I completely get his point though. There is something irresistible about a man who can create a fine plate of food without the kitchen descending into tsunami like chaos.

But please, not garlic and curried offal. Not a hint of it on Ms Marmite Lover's menu.

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